
18 item(s) found

Anthony Wallace Wins at 2020 Bayeux Calvados-Normandy Awards for War Correspondents

Turkish borders where some have found refuge.    Photographer  Abdulaziz Ketaz  in the Photo category for Nikon Prize of the International Juryf ...

AFP represented on all fronts at the Bayeux Calvados-Normandy awards for war correspondents 2019

Bayeux Award, in partnership with AFP and Nikon, offers high-school pupils from Calvados the chance to ...

AFP represented on all fronts at the Bayeux Calvados-Normandy awards for war correspondents 2019

Bayeux Award, in partnership with AFP and Nikon, offers high-school pupils from Calvados the chance to ...

Winter Games: robots at the service of AFP photographers

19 Fév 2018   AFP photographers use robots that are developed in collaboration with Nikon. The ...

AFP Photo exhibition: “Sport and Tradition”

support of Nikon, a longtime AFP partner, the exhibition is expected to travel throughout Japan and in ...

AFP Photo exhibition: “Sport and Tradition”

Emmanuel Hoog and the president of Nikon, Kazuo Ushida, and is expected to travel throughout Japan and in ...

AFP creates the exhibition “Sport and Tradition” in Tokyo

the Tokyo bureau with the support of Nikon, a longtime AFP partner, the exhibition is displayed in the ... by Emmanuel Hoog and the president of Nikon, Kazuo Ushida, and is expected to travel throughout Japan ...

Bayeux-Calvados War Correspondents Prize – AFP takes part in the “View of 15 Year Olds” project

to an online platform created by Nikon, secondary school students and young people who participate in ...

AFP wins seven prizes at Pictures Of the Year international

Varenne Nikon international photo prize awarded by the Fondation Varenne in 2016 and third prize in the ...

AFP a partner in the ‘Cannes FAIT LE MUR’ photo exhibition

photo service has multiplied its production seven-fold since 2000.   Nikon France and the laboratory ...

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