
AFP photographer Anthony Wallace, winner of the Ville de Perpignan Rémi Ochlik Award 2020

Anthony Wallace, chief photographer at our Hong Kong bureau, is rewarded for his work on protests in the city. 

The photographs were taken between June and December 2019, while Hong Kong was being convulsed by huge and often violent rallies. Initially protesting a draft extradition bill, the rallies soon morphed into a popular call for democracy and police accountability.

His portfolio that earned him this award will feature in an exhibition entitled “Opposing Views” at the 2020 Visa pour l’Image festival.

Anthony Wallace began working at AFP as a photo editor intern, before definitively joining the Agency several months later in the same role, which he held for 4 years all while reporting during weekends. In 2016, he became chief photographer for AFP’s Hong Kong bureau. He covered a number of news events in Hong Kong as well as the Asia-Pacific region: the 2014 Umbrella Revolution in Hong Kong, the Christchurch mosque shootings in New Zealand and the major earthquakes in Taiwan.