Inside AFP

AFP remains by your side all over the world

In the exceptional circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic, AFP is now more than ever by your side to keep you informed wherever you are in the world, thanks to our network deployed across the entire globe. 

With the dual imperative of continuing to provide you with our services and ensuring the safety of our teams, the Agency quickly adapted its operating methods, from the start of the epidemic in Asia. AFP provided exclusive multimedia coverage from the Chinese city of Wuhan, the epicenter of the emerging crisis; and since then, the robustness and the extent of our network have enabled us to allow you to follow its development in real time, notably through live video, in Seoul, Tehran, Milan and Rome, and at present France, Spain and the United States via our intensive coverage. We have implemented the organization and the means to continue our activity, for ourselves as well as for our customers. Our network of journalists, deployed across 151 countries, continues to operate, even though the majority of the teams are in quarantine. We are at your service, offering the expertise of our health specialist journalists in Paris and Washington, exploiting all our resources in the form of data, graphics, so as to back explanatory and contextualized news stories, in addition to reports on a human scale. Under strict security rules, our reporters, especially in video and photo, work to allow you to see and hear the voices and faces of this unprecedented crisis, on all continents. 

The coverage of this dominant, global topic also concerns widespread disinformation via social networks: AFP is now more than ever engaged in its mission of monitoring, deciphering and establishing the facts. Via our global fact-checking network and as part of our ambition of media education, we allow citizens to benefit from the resources of the Correspondent blog, which to date has already treated more than 200 false pieces of information on the virus.