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AFP strengthens its coverage of the Maghreb

AFP is strengthening its coverage of the strategically important Maghreb region, by launching a dedicated regional centre and boosting its network of journalists on the ground.

Based in Tunis, the new «Maghreb Hub» will provide even more comprehensive, dynamic and original coverage of the region for AFP and its clients.

“We believe the Maghreb is a strategically important area which is under-reported by many international media. AFP’s decision to strengthen coverage of this region is part of our wider commitment to deepening our unique global network of bureaus and correspondents”, said AFP’s Global News Director Phil Chetwynd.

Headed by one of AFP’s most experienced journalists, Ezzedine Said, the new regional editorial structure will be tasked, among other things, with producing more multimedia content across a range of subjects including the environment.

It will coordinate and enhance the reporting by the Tunis, Rabat, Algiers and Tripoli bureaus, to tackle in greater depth stories from all spheres of life from social issues to the economy and culture.

The new hub will be further strengthened with the arrival in Tunis of a regional video coordinator, as well as a new
regional writer, and a journalist in charge of digital verification.

In all, AFP will have 24 journalists based around the Maghreb region, including in text, photo, video and digital verification. A specialist in Middle East affairs, Ezzedine Said, is a French-Palestinian journalist who speaks Arabic, French and English and writes in French and Arabic. His past postings with AFP include bureau chief in Istanbul, editorin-chief of the Middle East and North Africa region, head of Arabic language services and coordinator for the Palestinian Territories.


About AFP:

AFP is a leading global news agency providing fast, comprehensive and verified coverage of the events shaping our world and of the issues affecting our daily lives. Drawing from an unparalleled news gathering network across 151 countries, AFP is also a world leader in digital verification. With 2,400 staff representing 100 different nationalities, AFP covers the world in six languages, with a unique quality of multimedia storytelling spanning video, text, photos and graphics.

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