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AFP member of anti-disinformation platform in Germany and Austria

The largest collaborative project between fact-checking teams and scientists in the German-speaking world, the German-Austrian Digital Media Observatory (GADMO) will be launched on November 1. 

It was selected by the European Commission, which co-finances the project, and is based on an unprecedented alliance between anti-disinformation organisations active in Germany and Austria. The partners include Agence France-Presse (AFP), Deutsche Presse-Agentur (dpa), Austria Presse Agentur (APA), and the independent research network Correctiv. Also involved are scientists from TU Dortmund University – which coordinates the project – and the Austrian Institute of Technology AIT. The Greek company ATC is responsible for all technical aspects of
the project.

GADMO aims to combat disinformation in a coordinated manner, in particular by:
• making fact-checking articles more accessible to the public through their publication on a website;
• identifying disinformation campaigns and studying them scientifically;
• promoting media literacy in Austria and Germany.

“This move is a recognition of the quality of digital verification at AFP worldwide, and specifically in Germanspeaking countries”, said Bronwen Roberts, head of digital investigation in Europe. “We are proud to be part of this project, not least because Germany has been identified as one of the main targets of disinformation campaigns in Europe”.

Planned for a period of 30 months, the project has total editorial independence and is part of the European Digital Media Observatory, EDMO, an independent, EU-funded coordinating body that was launched in 2020 and aims to join forces with fact checkers, researchers and other experts from across Europe in the fight against disinformation.

Including GADMO, the network now consists of nine regional hubs active in 17 European countries. More hubs will be launched by early 2023.

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