
Two AFP photographers awarded by the IAPA

The Inter-American Press Association (IAPA) announced the Awards for Excellence in Journalism winners.


AFP photographer Ernesto Benavides won first prize in the “Photography" category for "Las Heridas de Sendero Luminoso: la matanza de Lucanamarca" (The Wounds of the Shining Path: the Lucanamarca massacre). The IAPA rewarded him "for revealing, through images of extraordinary strength and deep human content, the impact of the murders of the Shining Path guerrilla group in Ayacucho, Peru, on the memory of its survivors."

At the same time, Martin Bernetti received an honorable mention in the same category for "El Desierto de Atacama: vertedero clandestino de ropa usada" (The Atacama Desert: clandestine dumping ground for used clothing).

The awards will be handed out at a special ceremony to be held on 28 October in Madrid, Spain, during the 78th General Assembly of the IAPA.

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Ernesto Benavides is a Peruvian photographer working mainly in South America. His work for AFP has been published by major media such as The New York Times, Le Monde, and El País.

Winner of multiple awards, Benavides has received, among others, the bronze medal at the PX3 Prix de la Photographie in 2018, the National Journalism Award from the Instituto Prensa y Sociedad (IPYS) in 2017, and second prize in the POY LATAM competition that same year for his series "La Pampa", which documents the impact of illegal mining in the Peruvian jungle. In 2021 he was awarded World Press Photo 2021 in the "Spot News" category for a series of photographs taken during the protests in Peru over the impeachment of President Martin Vizcarra in November 2020.

Martin Bernetti is a photographer with more than 25 years of experience, who has traveled the world covering international news. He has reported for the Miami Herald (USA), The Independent and Sunday Telegrapher Magazine (UK), Time Magazine (USA), Stern (Germany), and Paris Match (France) among others.

In 2005 he moved to Chile and since then he has worked as Chief of photography for the AFP.